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Thankful for 2020

2020 was a year full of anxiety, fear, horrible politics and a worldwide pandemic. I spent most of the year inside my home and only saw friends and family (with masks and social distancing of course) a handful of times. I shed many tears, felt isolated and was pushed to my limit.

However, when I look back at 2020 I am choosing to see the good. The first word that comes to mind is “thankful”.

20 things I am grateful for in 2020

  1. Hannah - I became a mommy in march to the most wonderful baby girl. I knew becoming a parent would change my life forever, but I didn't realize how much. I love watching her grow, discover new things and laugh. Hannah - Thank YOU for giving me the best reason to be thankful for in 2020. Because of you, 2020 has been the best year of my life.

  2. Jake - my husband and I have spent most of the last year in our apartment within about 10 feet of each all times...with a newborn baby...and we are still married! He was my rock this year. Jake kept me sane, made me feel loved everyday, did all the grocery shopping, was an awesome daddy and took care of Hannah alone when I was too sick to even get out of bed. I love YOU Jake!

  3. Family - I may not have been able to see a lot of my family but I felt their support! I am thankful to my mom for talking me off a few ledges, my dad for always checking in on me, group family text messaging chats and for all the updates on social media. I love you all!

  4. My BFFs - I am lucky enough to have two of the best friends a girl could ask for. I am thankful for our daily group chat and for you both putting up with me sending incessant pictures of my daughter. You guys kept me sane, gave me advice and kept me laughing. I love you both so very much.

  5. Food - I am thankful that we always had food on our plate during this pandemic. I know not all did/do.

  6. Doctors - I was in the hospital a few too many times in 2020. I am so grateful to the amazing doctors who cared for me. They risk their own health everyday helping others and saving lives. Thank you to the doctors at Beverly hospital who helped me multiple times this year...and MA General doctors took care of my stepmom!

  7. Nurses - Nurses are wonderful. I always knew they were but I experienced it first hand this year. They are truly the backbone of our healthcare!

  8. My family and friends largely avoided coronavirus - I am extremely thankful that everyone has remained safe from covid and/or fully recovered after contracting it.

  9. A roof over our head - our apartment has become our work office and daycare in addition to our regular day to day home. It may feel like the walls are caving in on us, but we are warm, dry and safe.

  10. My job - I am thankful that I was able to keep my job through the pandemic and have the ability to work fully remote from home.

  11. Social media - This year I am thankful for social media. I am thankful for the ability to share pictures of my baby with family who have yet to meet her and keep in touch with everyone from my couch!

  12. Technology - I am thankful for all the technology that allows me to work from home, entertain my child and keep in touch with my family.

  13. Scientists - I am thankful for all the scientists who worked so hard to get us a vaccine within such a short amount of time.

  14. Time spent with my baby - staying quarantined at home, and having the ability to work from home, has allowed me more time with my baby. I have been with her for every waking moment. Although I might not think this when I struggle to hit the mute button during a conference call because she is loudly throwing things off her highchair onto the hardwood floor, I know most working mothers don’t get this amount of time and I am thankful for that.

  15. Baby giggles - baby giggles are the best thing ever. They can change your whole day and cure almost anything in a matter of seconds. I am thankful that I get to hear baby giggles multiple times a day.

  16. Health Insurance - I am thankful that I have health insurance. Medical treatment is so expensive (and should not be) and without health insurance this year I would have been in serious debt.

  17. A slower pace - life slowed down this year. I am thankful that I had the time to enjoy my daughter. Enjoy her laugh, her smiles, her silliness and all her milestones.

  18. Laughter - I laughed a lot this year. It truly is the best medicine.

  19. The outcome of the election. Bye Felicia..enough said.

  20. Comfy pajamas - I have spent a lot of time in my pjs this year. I didn't truly appreciate comfortable pajamas until they became my day to day wardrobe.

2020 - you have certainly been something else but you gave me so many things to be thankful for. So thank you 2020!

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